Balance Transfers on Credit Cards.

What is a balance transfer?

Despite the “credit crunch” that we have heard so much about in recent months, low rates of interest can still be available to the UK consumer. Many credit card providers seek to attract new customers with introductory offers of low rates of interest – These rates can even be zero. For a small percentage fee you could transfer your Credit Card Debt with a high rate to a new account with perhaps a zero rate which can be held in some case for up to fifteen months. Continue reading

Challenges to the Irish State on the topic of Consumer Debt

It guaranteed to hit the ground sprinting and the new Irish Government will soon be a hundred days in office. It is fully committed to achieve a lot of adjustments and that being said perhaps now is the occasion to ask various concerns as to precisely what it is providing concerning the ordinary person as distinct from what it is working on in relation to finance companies, builders, NAMA and sovereign interest rates in its admittedly stressful initiatives to meet its committed EU and IMF performance targets. Continue reading