Personal debt problems are a worry for many people today. If you feel that your finances are out of control you are more prone to suffer from stress which can lead to bad health. Continue reading
Get debt help
Some years ago a famous advertisement proclaimed that ‘It’s good to talk’. When it comes to resolving debt problems the first option should always be to talk about it. Even when the problems seem intractable, you should at least try to talk to your lenders. It is particularly important that you seek debt help when you begin to miss payments or when you have made late payments or when you have begun to pay your creditors selectively over other creditors, say if certain creditors are putting you under pressure. This behaviour is unfair on the creditors who are treating you better i.e. not putting you under pressure nor sending debt collectors to your door, nor taking legal action against you. Continue reading
Insolvency explained
If you are sick or injured, you don’t have to be a medical expert to know that you need to go to a doctor for treatment. You just instinctively know that you don’t feel well and that your GP will in all likelihood be able to help you. The process is simple: you go along to see your doctor. You describe your symptoms or condition, the doctor may ask you questions, may perhaps examine you, may initiate some tests, may offer you his or her diagnosis of your condition or injury, may prescribe medication or other treatment, may refer you to a specialist or a medical consultant or may send you to hospital. Continue reading
Banks and Treating Customers Fairly
The UK’s big five banks recently reported huge half year profits to the City and are projecting profits over £40 billion for the full year. I don’t want to sound like Gordon Gecko but “profits are good” and these profits could be construed as good news of a buoyant economy. Sadly however this is against a backdrop of falling house prices, rising interest rates, high levels of household debt, house repossessions up 30% on last year and inevitably an increase in the number of individuals seeking help with debt problems. Continue reading