Experiencing the Penalty of Debt

Capital punishment for even the most heinous criminal offenses has long been abolished in the majority of western democracies with some significant exceptions such as the USA. In regard to personal debt however, the USA has a most benign set of laws dealing with indebtedness both personal and corporate. Contrasting very much in both of these matters is the Republic of Ireland. The death penalty is long eliminated in Ireland but the personal insolvency regime there has been explained by a great many august authorities as unrealistic, rarely used, very costly and exceedingly penal. Continue reading

Insolvency | Dodgy Transactions

In the lead up to any liquidation process, it is important that the borrower makes sure that he behaves truthfully, honorably and fairly in his or her business with all other individuals who might be impacted by the process. All actions relating to lenders or any others (not being creditors) which will detrimentally affect the welfare of creditors are of particular concern, regardless whether creditors happen to be party to the financial transactions are not. Insolvency processes include Bankruptcy, Individual Voluntary Arrangements, Company Voluntary Arrangements, Liquidations and the like. Continue reading

CVAs and Self Employed Businesses

Last month I described administration and how it affected Leeds United. In order to save the club from liquidation* the administrator propsed a company voluntary arrangement (CVA). Under the proposal, the club would be sold back to a consortium led by the majority shareholder Kent Bates, and the sale proceeds (after deduction of the costs of administration) would be distributed to unsecured creditors. Continue reading

Insolvency & Administration

Leeds United fans will have followed the current crisis at the club with great interest. Most football fans have heard of Administration and know that any club choosing this path will be automatically deducted 10 points. However, how many fans know exactly what it means and what are the implications? Continue reading